Tournaments coming up:
In - class Y12 practice tournaments. We will begin doing weekly pool/DE bouts to start preparing our kids class for competition. We have only progressed to this stage recently. The tournaments will be low key and unannounced ahead of time to help all of our athletes manage competition anxiety. We will be specifically learning how a tournament is run and how to approach competition both mentally and tactically.
D & Under Foil - March 22nd at 7:00pm. This event requires your $25 usafencing Access fencing membership. The associate membership only gives access to local (not regional) events. It allows the athlete to earn a competition rating. All regular Valkyrie Club Athletes should have a USAFencing Access membership. All associate memberships start at the time of purchase and must be renewed each August.
Open Epee - March 23, 7:00pm. This event requires your $25 usafencing Access fencing membership. The associate membership only gives access to local (not regional) events. It allows the athlete to earn a competition rating. All regular Valkyrie Club Athletes should have a USAFencing Access membership. All associate memberships start at the time of purchase and must be renewed each August.
Unsanctioned Open Saber - March 24, 7:00pm This event is open to all ages. We are working to develop our Saber program and this tournament is to encourage saber in our club
You can preregister for these events by creating an account on and then registering HERE. Pre-registration is not required. You can just show up at the club on the day of the tournament.
Valkyrie Fencing is presenting these in club tournaments to help our athletes;
practice tournament approach
understand how tournaments function
recognize what personal equipment is needed for competition
become familiar with bout officiating, especially understanding referee etiquette
gain confidence and be ready for competition outside of the club.
Wasatch RYC/RJCC. This tournament is being held in Kaysville, UT. You must have a $85 competitive USAFENCING MEMBERSHIP to compete. This is a qualifying event for athletes who wish to compete at USA Summer Nationals in Minneapolis, MN during the first week of July. You must own complete personal equipment including a mask, jacket, pants, 3 foils, 2 body cords, a glove and a scoring vest. There is a tournament fee of $35 and $45 fee per each category you sign up for. If you are interested in this tournament, please speak to Julie first.
Equipment: We have a new store that we are preparing. You can order equipment online from our store. If we do not have it in stock at the store, it will take approximately one week for you to receive the items ordered. The advantages of purchasing equipment directly from Valkyrie are:
Correct fit and assurance that your equipment will be tournament qualified.
Support Valkyrie Fencing
Individuals that are regular Valkyrie athletes should have their own equipment. and Finally... Did you know that you have an athlete profile on our website???? Go to and log in to your account using the light blue icon at the top left of the page. You can see your memberships, your orders, website blogs, and more. The more we use this great feature, the more useful it becomes!
